Indonesia - S4C

Skills for Competitiveness


SECO signed a Letter of Intent with the Indonesian Ministry of Industry in February 2017 aiming at a more intense cooperation in the field of vocational training. As a direct result, a consortium comprising Swisscontact, the Bern University of Applied Science and SITECO worked out the concept S4C Skills for Competitiveness for the build-up of 5 new Polytechnics in industrial development areas in Indonesia. In January 2018, SECO sanctioned the concept, which was followed by the conclusion of a Contract Implementation Agreement with the Consortium.

The Indonesian Ministry for Research, Technology and Higher Education RISTEKDIKTI is also a co-principal for the Polytechnic in Jember. The other 4 schools belong to the Indonesian Ministry of Industry. The Polytechnic in Batu Licin (Borneo/Kalimantan) has meanwhile been replaced by a new Polytechnic in the Province of Banten (West-Java).

For the time being, the Project S4C has been designed for a period of 4 years. As from March 2018, a permanent project management team in Indonesia has concerned itself with the implementation of the Project. SITECO as consortium partner is, wherever necessary, being consulted as concerns the planned interventions, among others in the fields of industry interconnection and capacity building. Moreover, it is a declared goal of S4C to bring to bear APII with regard to the tasks of school development and industrial networking. The new Polytechnics are directed to expressly concern themselves with the implementation of the dual education methods with the relevant inclusion of industry.